A Personal Transport Budget (PTB) is granted at the discretion of the Council. Therefore, even if your child is assessed as eligible to transport assistance, you may not be granted a Personal Transport Budget. This is particularly the case if it would have an adverse impact on a service provided for other transport users, or where it is not an efficient use of the council’s resources. Under these circumstances the council will arrange alternative transport, taking into consideration your child’s needs. This will be assessed as part of the annual application process.

A Personal Transport Budget is a sum of money paid to parents of carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) or identified SEND, who qualify for assistance with transport.

The benefits of a Personal Transport Budget

The benefits of a PTB are -

  • it allows freedom and flexibility for a family to choose the most appropriate travel arrangements for the child that best fit with personal circumstances
  • it provides choice and control over how funding is used to get a child to and from school on time in a way that suits you, your child, and your family
  • it allows opportunities to share with other parents and potentially increase your buying power
  • it offers families an alternative to the traditional services that a city council can provide

Ways to use a Personal Transport Budget

Examples of some of the ways a Personal Transport Budget can be used are to -

  • purchase a travel pass for parent, guardian or a trusted adult to accompany a child on public transport
  • pay for an escort with an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service clearance for your child to walk to school or to travel by public transport with
  • enable you or someone in your family driving your child to and from home to school or college
  • arrange a private taxi firm to drive your child from home to school or college

Who can apply for a Personal Transport Budget

An application for a Personal Transport Budget can be made for a child who has been assessed as requiring assisted transport to a relevant educational establishment by -

  • a child’s parent, guardian or carer
  • a nominated person (with Power of Attorney) acting on behalf of the child and the nominated person has capacity

To make an application for a PTB you must complete a full transport application form. You will be able to say on the application that your preference of transport assistance is a PTB.

Access the Personal Transport Budget guidance

SEN Transport Department

Address: Room 128
2nd Floor
Alfred Gelder Street