5 to 16 years old

We have agreed to the Home to School Transport policy. It is in line with the Department for Education Home to School Travel statutory guidance.

For the 2024 to 2025 academic year, this includes -

  • compulsory school aged pupils
  • pupils with special education needs and disabilities
  • post 16 students

A guidance document has been made. It is to assist parents and carers when applying for a Free Travel Pass.

You can download the policy and guidance documents from the Hull City Council website.

How to apply for a Special Educational Needs Home to School Transport

We only transport children from their primary home address to school and back.

If you are applying for transport for this academic year it can take up to 10 school days after approval.

If you are applying for transport for the new academic year, state this on the application form. When received the processing of your application begin. When approved we will send you details of the transport arrangement during the Summer holidays.

Apply for 5 to 16 year old SEND transport (opens in new window)

16 to 19 years old

Students who are 16 and over the compulsory school age and who have special transport needs may be provided with transport assistance. This will be from the primary home address to and from college or sixth form school at the beginning and the end of the day. Arrangements can not be tailored for pupils to be taken to or from College or School outside these times.

To meet the needs of individual children transport assistance for children with special educational needs is provided -

  • if it is decided during the assessment process, that transport is necessary to meet the child’s needs
  • that the child attends an appropriate Post 16 provider is close to the child’s home

Hull City Council agreed a new policy in April 2024, which is reviewed annually.

The Post 16 Transport Policy relates to special needs travel assistance. A contribution of £380 towards the cost of travel is required from the student, parent or carer.

How to apply for a Post 16 Special Educational Needs Transport

If your child has an identified SEN need or it is decided during the Education, Health, Care Plan (EHCP) assessment process that transport is necessary to meet the child’s needs, a Special Transport Needs for Students application should be completed.

The needs of each individual student are specific to the young person and when organising home to school transport for a young person the School Transport Team will attempt to meet those needs. In many cases where appropriate it will be expected that children will share transport to maximise cost effectiveness.

In all cases the young person needs will be reviewed and if necessary, reassessed at each annual review of the plan where it is decided that -

  • a transport need is now required
  • a transport need previously identified should be modified
  • transport is no longer required

Apply for 16 to 19 year old SEND transport (opens in new window)

Exceptional circumstances

A parent or carer who applies for free travel assistance under the criteria set out in our policies has the right to appeal the decision. This is in the case of the application being refused.

More information on applying for exceptional circumstances can be found on the Hull City Council website.