Designated Clinical Officer and Assistant Designated Clinical Officer

Tara Harness

Designated Clinical Officer for SEND (Hull and North Lincolnshire)

My background -

  • Adult and children’s nursing
  • Neonatal Nursing
  • Community Children’s Nursing
  • Children’s Continuing Care

NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group
2nd Floor
Wilberforce Court
Alfred Gelder Street

Amanda Axe

Assistant Designated Clinical Officer for SEND (Hull)

My background -

  • Children’s nursing
  • Neonatal Nursing
  • Children’s safeguarding

What we do

We -

  • provide oversight from a health perspective of education, health, and care panels to discuss which children go forward for assessments and then if required have a formal plan (EHCP)
  • support health professionals to contribute to the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process and agrees the health service provision outlined for EHC plans
  • work with others in the local area to improve the quality of Education, Health and Care Plans
  • provide a contact for CCGs or health providers so that appropriate notification can be given to the local authority of children under 5 years who they think may have SEN or a disability
  • provide a single point of contact to children, young people, their families, and professionals around them in respect of health queries
  • support the SEND team at the local authority with questions and queries
  • promote links between the SEND team, education professionals, social care, and health services
  • support the commissioners and senior leadership team with regard to meeting and assuring the SEND health requirements
  • work alongside commissioners and stakeholders including children and young people, parents, and carers to identify and raise any commissioning gaps some of which may require joint commissioning to resolve

We can help you as a SENCO by -

  • ensuring we can evidence a good local offer of health services and clear health journeys for those age 0-25 with SEND
  • being a point of contact when you may need some support or advice regarding the health needs of a child in your school
  • assisting with the signposting or linking you directly to relevant health professionals
  • advising on current health policy where this may have an impact on supporting pupils with medical and health needs in school