Education other than at School (EOTAS)

EOTAS is an education provision to meet specific needs of pupils who cannot attend a mainstream or special school. In law, local authorities are responsible for providing these services.

Pupils can be out of school for a variety of health reasons or following exclusion from school for example mental health issues that would affect their ability to attend a school, or that the school settings they have attended are not able to meet their needs.

They can also be used when a child or Young Person finds themselves in between settings as a short-term method of ensuring that the provision in their EHC Plan is being delivered.

EOTAS is different from Elective Home education (EHE) where a parent has actively chosen to educate their child at home.

EOTAS operates under section 61 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Local authorities have the power to consent to a child or young person with SEN being educated somewhere other than a school or post 16 education institution but only where the authority is satisfied that “….it would be inappropriate for the provision to be made in a school or post-16 institution….” 

Examples of EOTAS

EOTAS can include a range of methods of providing tuition such as -

  • online tuition
  • home tuition
  • attendance at other education centres
  • therapies such as speech and language that are classed as educational provision

How the Local Authority (LA) decide the EOTAS is appropriate

  1. The LA must decide that it is necessary to make special educational provision that is not in a school, post 16 setting or early years setting
  2. The LA must be satisfied through an evidence base that a school, post 16 institution or early years setting would be inappropriate for the child or young person
  3. The LA must consult with the parent or young person about their intentions

EOTAS and EHE documents