Providing assessments and services to help determine solutions to enable children to continue to live as independently as possible in the family home.

What we do

Our team see children and young people at home and assess housing for suitability and safety, recommending adaptations and equipment or supporting families with rehousing recommendations to meet the child/young person’s and care givers needs.

We see children and young people who have a long-term disability or illness that impacts on their ability to manage essential tasks, such as accessing a bedroom or washing facilities or being kept safe.

Who can access it

Children and young people across Hull, from birth up to the age of 18 who have difficulty with things like -

  • getting into or around the home
  • staying safe at home or in the garden
  • moving on or off the bed, toilet, bath or a chair

What support we can offer

Advice, recommendations, and referrals to other agencies -

  • advice and support to make daily tasks easier
  • make recommendations for home adaptations
  • support around moving and handling
  • visit the child's school to find out what adaptions should be made to meet their needs
  • make referrals and signpost to other agencies, for example -
    • health professionals
    • wheelchair service
    • social work

What we are unable to offer

  • assessment and provision of wheelchairs
  • assessment and provision of specialist car seat / harness
  • sensory processing assessments
  • assessment and provision of play equipment
  • rehabilitation and habituation programmes
  • assessments within educational settings
  • behavioural programmes
  • assessment and provision of orthotics

If the request is for a specialist buggy/wheelchair

If the child already has specialist buggy/wheelchair from Wheelchair Services and this requires a review, then a re-referral can be made by any professional or the family themselves -

If this is a new referral, it can given by GP or involved health professional, access more information here.

If the request is for a car seat/harness assessment

Both RDAC and William Merritt Centre will provide a full report and will advise on how to apply for charitable funding if you wish to pursue that.

Windmill also carry out assessments for this. You can privately purchase, but if you wish to apply for charity funding, you will need a professional's report.

If the request is for a sensory processing assessment

Access the Sensory Processing Service for more information. Referrals can be made by any qualified health or social care professional or SENCo.

Blue badge

You can apply for a Blue Badge or renew your existing Blue Badge if it is due to expire in the next 10 weeks using our online Blue Badge application form.

The renewal of a Blue Badge still requires the full application form to be completed and proofs to support the application.

If you do not have access to the internet to apply online, call 01482 210 000 to arrange a telephone appointment or complete your application.

How to make a referral

Anyone can make a referral, including parents/carers and professionals involved with the child or young person.

All referrals must go via the Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH) either -

You can get help completing the referral at one of the Customer Service Centres.

What happens next

Once a referral is made -

  • EHASH will collate the information and progress to the Occupational Therapy Team where the referral will be triaged
  • on receipt of the referral, the OT team will schedule an initial telephone triage assessment within five working days
  • we'll send the child’s parent / carer a letter in the post to inform them of the outcome of the referral with further information on the next steps

Contact EHASH

All referrals to be made through EHASH

Address: Lil Bilocca House, Porter Street, Hull, HU1 2RH

Telephone: 01482 612 528