Transition to adulthood

Transition is the process of change from childhood to adulthood. The world of the adult is very different to the world of the child and good preparation and planning will help to make that transition easier. Good transition planning includes everything that is needed to help a young person reach their goals as an adult and makes sure that everyone works together so that the young person gets the right support at the right time. Above all, the most important thing is that everyone listens to the young person so that their thoughts, feelings, aspirations and plans for the future are at the centre of what happens.

The Transition Protocol in Hull has been developed to help ensure that the transition to adulthood for young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) runs smoothly. The Transition Protocol applies to young people from the age of 13 upwards with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

You can download the Preparing for Adulthood Guide including an easy read version.