Transition Protocol

Children and young people thrive on predictability and change can be very difficult for any learner at any stage of their time in education. It is important that changes brought about by transitions are supported for learners with SEND.

When talking about transitions in education we often think of the transitions between different phases of education -

  1. EYFS Provider to Nursery
  2. EYFS Provider/Nursery to KS1
  3. Annual move up to next year group
  4. Primary to secondary school (*Year 5 focus for those with EHCPs)
  5. Annual move to next year group (e.g. Year 7 to Year 8 etc.)
  6. Key Stage 3 (*Year 9 focus for those with EHCPs) to Key Stage 4
  7. Transition from Year 10 to Year 11
    1. Key Stage 4 to further education (vocational courses)
    2. Key Stage 4 to sixth form (school or college) for A levels
  8. Post-16 Provision to Adult life

* Must be completed for Statutory Assessment

Transition can also occur at other times when a change of environment or personnel occurs. Other transitions to be considered should include -

  • changing schools
  • between PRU and mainstream
  • from Elective Home Education to educational setting
  • between home and school on a daily/weekly basis (This can be particularly difficult after holidays)
  • between classrooms/teachers and learning spaces within the school day
  • between social time and structured learning time within school

It is paramount that SENCOs work with other adults, both in and out of school, to ensure that pupils with SEND are given careful consideration and appropriate support at transition points.

Transition support should be personalised and should include -

  • careful planning
  • meeting the individual’s needs
  • preparing the learner for change
  • developing good links between settings/personnel
  • sharing information
  • continuity of practice to support predictability
  • parental Involvement
  • monitoring, reviewing and adapting as necessary

It is good practice for the SENCO to work with colleague to develop a whole school transition plan, which outlines a graduated approach.

Where transitions are likely to be complex, then a record of the concerns and the steps taken to support the learner’s transition should be made. This should be done with collaboration with parents and any support agencies. A Transition Support Plan is very useful.

The city’s Learning Partnership have published a comprehensive guidance document. This outlines how services work together to help achieve the best possible outcomes for young people as they approach, and live through, their transition from childhood to adulthood.

A lot more information is available in the current Transition Protocol.

Other help

At school we know that some learners will require support which is additional or different to that which is generally offered to all learners transitioning to our setting. With this in mind we have set out below some of the additional activities which could be incorporated into a transition support plan to help ease the transition for those who need it. This list is not exhaustive and where other concerns are raised individualised strategies can be planned.