Requesting an EHC Needs Assessment

The local authority’s SEND Assessment and Review Team coordinates the EHC process.

The SEND Assessment and Review Team expects that, wherever possible, requests for EHC Needs Assessments are made together, by the person with parental responsibility and the current education setting, using the EHC Needs Assessment Request (EHCNAR) form and guidance document.

Once a request is received, the local authority must make a decision about whether to carry out an EHC Needs Assessment. Parents will be informed of the local authority's decision by letter and if an assessment is not agreed, this letter will explain why. Suggestions are often made about other ways the child or young person can be supported.

When an EHC Needs Assessment is requested -

  • a request for an EHC Needs Assessment is received by the SEND Assessment and Review team
  • the information is discussed by a panel and the local authority makes a decision on whether to carry out an EHC Needs Assessment
  • the person with parental responsibility is informed of the local authority's decision within 6 weeks of receiving the request for assessment

EHC Needs Assessment

If the local authority considers it appropriate to carry out an EHC Needs Assessment, reports will be requested from key people, including -

  • those with parental responsibility
  • the child or young person (supported as appropriate)
  • education settings
  • Educational Psychologists
  • health professionals
  • social care professionals
  • other professionals who are involved

All reports have to be sent to the SEND Assessment and Review Team within 6 weeks of the request for information.

Signed consent from the parent, or young person, must be given before health professionals will share information with the local authority for the EHC Needs Assessment.

What happens during an EHC Needs Assessment

If an EHC Needs Assessment is agreed, a SEND Caseworker is allocated and reports from involved professionals are requested. The caseworker will contact you early in the process to explain things in more detail.

All reports received will be read by the moderating panel. The local authority then decides whether an EHCP is needed. This decision is made within 16 weeks of the original EHC Needs Assessment request.

If the LA decides that it is not necessary to issue an EHCP, the SEND Assessment and Review team will let the parents or young person know, explaining the reasons why. The reports from the EHC Needs Assessment will be sent to the person with parental responsibility and can be used to inform the education setting about what else needs to be put in place for the child or young person.

Education, Health and Care (EHC) Statutory Process

Information leaflet
