When a child or young person is identified as having Special Educational Needs, educational settings must take action to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place. This is called SEN support and should take the form of four-part cycle of Assess-Plan-Do-Review (APDR). This is known as the Graduated Response.

The Children's and Families act 2014 states that SEN Provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for others of the same age in mainstream schools, nurseries and Post 16 institutions in England.

Download the complete Hull Graduated Response PDF.

Graduated Response steps

There are 4 steps to the graduated response -

1. Identify needs

Record and highlight areas of concern

  • 1a. Highlight concerns to draw out area of need
  • 1b. Summary of discussions and concerns identified
  • 1c (1) (2). My Profile/One Page profile created to outline support needs

2. Assess

Prioritises the area of need. Relevant assessments and reports should then support the identification of SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound) desired outcomes.

  • 2a. Identify focus with the area of need. Indicators of need for each area
    • Communication and interaction
    • Cognition and learning
    • SEMH
    • Sensory and physical

3. Plan and do

This section highlights strategies and interventions to consider when planning provision.

  • 3a. Refer to provision documents and the 3 levels of support. Plan for in school interventions
  • 3b. Plan for staff CPD and environment considerations

4. Review

Impact of provision must be evaluated and the plan reviewed.

  • 4a. Review plan (impact section of 3a) and use of decision tree to end or continue/escalate cycle with outs as appropriate

If progress is sufficient and no further cycles needed, My Profile/One Page profile may be needed for ongoing recognition of universal strategies that are needed as key supports to overcome any barriers to learning (Step 1c).

Download the documents for the Graduated Response steps.